MUNI ART GALLERY sells art posters and canvas prints worldwide. We carefully select great works of art by artists we truly love and trust, and deliver the arts to you as reproductions.

MUNI ART GALLERYではアートポスターとキャンバスプリントを世界に販売しています。本当に信頼する愛してやまない作家達の素晴らしい作品を厳選し、あなたへお届けします。
■About Price Sales prices include tax. Shipping costs vary depending on your location and product. Please see the product details. ■CUSTOMS CHARGES Import taxes may apply depending on your country of residence and purchase amount. This will be paid by the customer. ■About Payment Payment method: Credit card(JAPAN only), Amazon Pay, PayPal payment is accepted. Payment Period: Payment is finalized at the time of product order confirmation. Please note that once the order is confirmed, it cannot be cancelled. ■Shipping Date Arrival time varies depending on your location and product. Please see the product details. ■Notes on Refund and Returning Goods We do not accept returns. Please note that once the order is confirmed, it cannot be cancelled. 返品は受付できません。 注文確定後はキャンセルできませんのでご注意ください。